
Association of Polish Architects, Warsaw Branch


Warsaw Branch of the Association of Polish Architects
(Oddział Warszawski Stowarzyszenia Architektów Polskich – OW SARP)

Association of Polish Architects SARP is a nation-wide organization of architects interested in active promotion of architecture, high standards of performing the profession, as well as activity for the space that surrounds us. SARP has over 140 years of tradition, and among its members were the most prominent creators of modern architecture. Among the main goals of the Association are care for the development of architectural creativity and its protection. The way to achieve these goals is to carry out various activities and events, as well as active participation in architectural education at all levels. SARP is also the most recognized organizer of architectural competitions, conducted on the basis of transparent and fair procedures.

The Warsaw Branch of SARP (OW SARP) with its over 1000 members, is by far the largest among 25 regional SARP branches. It closely cooperates with the Mazovian District Chamber of Polish Architects, other industry organizations, as well as with the City of Warsaw, the Faculty of Architecture of the Warsaw University of Technology and many cultural institutions. The headquarters of OW SARP are in the historic Palace of Konstanty Zamoyski at 2 Foksal Street in Warsaw.

Since the end of 2018, OW SARP has been organizing its events also at the Warsaw Pavilion of Architecture ZODIAK located by the downtown Wiecha Passage – a beautiful, contemporary building, located in the heart of the City. WPA ZODIAK is a joint undertaking of OW SARP and the City of Warsaw.

OW SARP is the organizer and co-organizer of many events, to which we invite architects, planners, artists, as well as a wide group of Warsaw residents – people interested in architecture and the development of our City. Many of these events are cyclical.

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